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A scanning electron microscope makes use of electrons to produce images. Its resolution is more than 1,000 times that of an ordinary light microscope. It makes use of a vacuum system as well as an electron optical column for generating photographs. Learn about the different parts of a scanning electron microscope to understand how they work. Some things to bear on your mind when purchasing your first microscope

Electric gun

Electronic guns, which can be found in the scanning electron microscope, creates a beam. The parameters of the beam are determined by the gun’s electron. Guns are particularly important in the manufacture of mini electron-optical columns. Field-emission cathodes can be used to make these columns because they possess an extremely bright light and a tiny initial source dimensions. The cathode has a small threshold voltage, but a high emissions current, which can be as high as up to 90 uA.

Electronic guns produce an electron beam focused. The electron gun emits electrons via an indirect heated cathode. Electrons emit from electrodes after power is applied to them. The intensity of the beam varies based on the current flowing through the electrodes. Unlike the cathode, the gun emits electrons only in small beams. The beam created by the electron gun is a narrow, sharp, and uniformly focused beam.

Lenses with magnetic properties

Magnet lenses are utilized in SEM to enhance the contrast. These lenses aren’t capable of making parallel electrons merge into one point. There are various optical aberrations that are caused by these lenses, including chromatic and spherical. These aberrations can be minimized by changing the operating conditions of the SEM. Below are a few of advantages and drawbacks of magnet lenses within SEM.

One way that SEM does its work is to record and analyze backscattered electrons. atomic absorption instruments are more energetic level than backscattered electrons and could be utilized for the imaging of non-conductive materials. It is important that the material be dried prior making use of SEM. SEM. SEM is an effective tool for materials science research and is able to detect the chemical composition, morphology, topography, and microstructure. Alongside the previous capabilities, SEM can also inspect Microchip assemblies and semiconductors.

Condenser lenses

Condenser lenses inside an electron scanning microscope (STEM) aid in controlling how much light focused on the subject. Two different types of condenser lenses are offered: one that concentrates the beam onto the specimen and one that makes a smaller view of the original source. The double lens is cheaper and more adaptable. You can adjust the image’s size.

Electron columns are made up of condenser and source lens components. The convex lens focuses electrons onto the specimen. It is created by the two elements. The electrons are then accelerated by the lens’s convexity, forming a tight spiral. Both the angle and the flow through the lenses can have an impact on the flow of electrons through the lens.

Secondary electron detector

There are two types of detectors that are used in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). An electron detector that is primary measures the energy released by an object, while a secondary electron detector is used to measure the energy dispersion in the image. With a scanning electron microscope the latter is usually used for objects whose contrast is difficult to achieve using a standard detector. As well as the primary detector it is possible to find two different kinds of secondary detectors. and FEI and spectroscopy.

The SE1 image shows the shale samples. The SE1 signal is generated on the surface of the specimen and can be used to image all the features of the sample in high-resolution, but not containing any compositional information. Comparatively, the SE2 image shows the effects of greater landing energy and deeper interaction with the sample. SE2 images, on the other hand, contain compositional information and have higher resolution. mini lab freezer of SEMs differ and each has their strengths and weaknesses.


The scanning electron microscope may be used in computer applications to benefit from its many benefits. It requires reliable power sources as well as cooling. Additionally, it needs the quietest environment. Electron beams are used to trace the samples using SEMs. It starts by using an electron gun. Its electromagnetism lenses, also called solenoids, focus the incident electron beam on the specimen surfaces. The speed of electrons is also increased by these lenses as it crosses the specimen’s surface.

SEM enhances the electron beam by using a high voltage system. The beam is then narrowed by using a set of scanning coils located along the specimen’s surfaces. Once the beam is in contact with the sample, any signals caused by the interaction can be observed in the form of secondary electrons or backscattered electrons as well as characteristic X-rays. The signals then are compiled into images.