Fico Gutierrez continues its victory with voters. A new campaign has begun in Boyaca including visit to Virgin of Chiquinquira

Federico Gutierrez the presidential candidate has proven that votes are gotten on the streets. There are still 32 days to the first round of the presidential election and he’s making a promise to take on Gustavo Petro, who is his main rival, for the House of Narino vote in the second round.

Gutierrez started out early Saturday morning for Boyaca. Boyaca was a religious area that Petro went to on Friday. The former mayor, who is running for the center-rightparty, arrived in Tunja where he met businessmen and academics as well farmers and peasants.

Fico held his main meeting at Tunja Convention Center. was joined by a number of notable people who pledged their support for the elections on May 29.

With ruana and hundreds of Colombians backing Federico’s candidate on the Team for Colombia, Federico posted a video on Twitter where he expressed his gratitude to the people of Tunja, he also said: “we’re Going to win, we all, we run for the presidency to unite and transform Colombia,” said the candidate for the presidency, as he recorded a swarm of people who support him and never letting up.

“Happy at Boyaca!” He wrote: “Happy in Boyaca!”

The second pointer in the polls was the one who reached the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira. It is an important spot where hundreds of faithful and followers gather every weekend. In the midst of all the attention of his followers and those waiting to receive the morning Eucharist the leader of centre-right knelt to the Virgin and laid his hands upon the breast of the Virgin.

“I asked the Virgin for wisdom. He answered that I had requested his help for my family, as well as for peace and for the humblest.

The presidential hopeful was recorded on video at this site. Before enteringthe building, the presidential candidate sat down with many residents of the region. They hugged the president and were wearing a uniform from Colombia.

Gutierrez arrived at the temple with the traditional Boyacan and Virgin of Chiquinquira Ruanas on his chest. This was a sign of his faith and has been displayed throughout his campaign for the presidency.,-his-words-to-Petro:-friend-and-expropriator-of-the-FARC-and-chavista , Antioquian visited Jericho Antioquia and was seated in the place of birth of Mother Laura, who has been canonized by Pope Francis.

The candidate in Chiquinquira took the opportunity to meet the people and announce his plans for the people who would be arriving at the palace of the president. “Chiquinquira’s key issues include drinking water, maintenance and construction of the roads (especially Ruta los Comuneros/Ubate-Chiquinquira) as well as tourism to boost employment and sustainable growth.”

Fico Gutierrez discussed work. He said that Tunja is the second largest city that has the highest rate of unemployment in the country. As such, in his plan for government, he aims to create “about 2 thousand jobs with the creation of at minimum 300 new companies in Boyaca”.

On the other side He also stated that sustainable mobility must be developed in the department. He stated that structuring the Strategic Public Transport System was the top priority. Together, they stated that they would work together to build routes and cycle tracks.

In his most recent tweet Gutierrez also addressed the producers of the potato and field, saying “Peasants of Boyaca: we will strive to generate greater opportunities for you and improve the condition of the fields.” Gutierrez is still reaching to the Colombians. He is expected to discuss his plan for government with the people and will try to be different in the coming Sunday’s elections.