Duque claims that Duque Petro of using his position to attack the army. He suggests that Petro should resign

petro gustavo was to end his participation in Asofundos discussing pensions. But, instead, he addressed politics following a surprise interruption by an elected congressman.

President Ivan duque’s closing speech during the Asofondos congress Cartagena was not the one he had planned. Instead of discussing pensions, Duque began to discuss politics and the ways to do. He criticised Gustavo Petro for using his seat to criticize the army and criticised the fact that he is both running for congress and also a presidential candidate.

Duvalier Sanchez interrupted him to question him about his plans after General Eduardo Zapateiro’s remark about Gustavo Petro ‘s.

“Article 219. of the Constitution prevents the military from participating in any political scenario and from taking sides or participating in the democratic discussion that exists.” The country is shocked. It’s a critical moment and what General Zapateiro did,” Sanchez stated as he raised his phone to broadcast the events going on on his Facebook page.

The president reacted with force to the commotion by the president’s defense Zapateiro.

Petro’s double role today as a congressman, head of the Opposition as well as the candidate for President was also criticized further by President Duque.

“Who are http://y8space.com/members-2/gustavo-petrokzjj072/activity/3020300/ ?” Are you an elected senator? The president stated that I had resigned as a member of Congress after winning the popular consultation. This was in order to be able as a candidate to freely voice my opinions and not put on the double helmet to criticize the institution and then paint myself as the victim. That is not democracy.”

Sanchez attempted to stay on top of the debate, but was deterred by President Obama who demanded that Sanchez follow the rules.

What was the story behind Petro and Zapateiro engage in a fight?

On the 20th of April, Petro published this message on his social media networks. “While soldiers are dying at the hands of Gulf Clan terrorists, some generals are employed by the clan.” “The corruption in the leadership comes when politicians who traffic in drugs end up being promoted to generals,” said the presidential candidate.

On Friday, Zapateiro reacted in the same manner: “Senator,” do not use your investiture, (parliamentary inviolability) to foretell the end of our troops instead, you should fulfill your citizen duty to file a well-substantiated complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office of the information you provided, regardless of who you are.